Sloane Street is home to global luxury retail and a vibrant residential neighbourhood. If Sloane Street blooms, so does London.


This website showcases plans to create a stunning green boulevard from Knightsbridge to Sloane Square; with wider pavements, a magnificent planting scheme, elegant street furniture and enhanced lighting.

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Working in partnership with the Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

Cadogan and Kensington & Chelsea Council are delivering an exciting multi-million pound public realm programme on Sloane Street. The improvements create an elegant and welcoming environment for pedestrians, without compromising the street’s character or negatively impacting traffic flows. Read more about Our Vision

Consulting the Community

In 2016 & 2017, over 1,100 people took part in a consultation on the Sloane Street proposals, which were approved through the Council’s Key Decision process in April 2019. Over 75% of respondents said they supported the proposals. All responses have been considered, and where possible the feedback has been incorporated into the final design for the street. Read more about The Consultation

Working in partnership with the Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

Cadogan and Kensington & Chelsea Council are delivering an exciting multi-million pound public realm programme on Sloane Street. The improvements create an elegant and welcoming environment for pedestrians, without compromising the street’s character or negatively imacting traffic flows. Read more about Our Vision

Consulting the Community

In 2016 & 2017, over 1,100 people took part in a consultation on the Sloane Street proposals, which were approved through the Council’s Key Decision process in April 2019. Over 75% of respondents said they supported the proposals. All responses have been considered, and where possible the feedback has been incorporated into the final design for the street. Read more about The Consultation

Creating a greener, more elegant neighbourhood for all to enjoy.

Heritage detailing and craftsmanship

Artisan craftsmanship, quality materials and heritage detailing will further enrich the Street’s unique character.

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Sustainability and planting

Climate resiliant planting will create an uplifting environment, add 100 trees to the street and help reduce airborne pollutants on this ultra-low carbon impact scheme

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Improved pedestrian experience

Traffic calming measures, way finders and increased crossing points will help pedestrians navigate the area, without impacting vehicular flow

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Fortnightly Sloane Street Residents’ Update

12 September 2024

The construction of tree pits and planters is at an advanced stage, as public realm works progress south, down the east side of the street. At the same time, paving and kerb laying continues, progressing well, now that Reach Active has completed its work on utilities upgrades.

The latest figures on work completed to date are also included below.

Christmas Lights 

This week, MK Illumination will be starting the installation of the new Sloane Street Christmas Lighting scheme, on behalf of Cadogan. This will involve fixing anchor plates to buildings along the whole length of the street. Each plate should take about 20 minutes to install and will involve some drilling. Please bear with us, whilst these works are carried out, in time for the Christmas Lights Switch-On event, Saturday 16th November, 2024. If you do have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact

Directional closure of Sloane Street

Traffic continues to travel in a southbound direction down the west side of the street whilst public realm works take place to the eastern footway. A copy of the traffic management and associated diversion routes can be found here.

Road closures

The junction of Sloane Terrace will be closed from Monday 9 September until mid-November.

Cadogan Place North has been closed due to the installation of a drinking water fountain. The concrete base has been completed and FM Conway are aiming to re-open that junction by mid-September.

Temporary traffic lights at Pont Street

From Monday 22 July, a temporary three-way traffic light system has been in operation at the junction with Pont Street. This is to enable the construction of the new granite crossings at the junction of Pont Street with Sloane Street – eastern arm. The temporary traffic lights will be in operation for eight to ten weeks.

At the same time, Transport for London will also be upgrading the signalling infrastructure in preparation for the installation of the new traffic lights for the final completed scheme.

Bus services

The bus stop outside of the Holy Trinity Church has now re-opened. From the 20th of September bus stop H towards Battersea, Chelsea & Knightsbridge will close. This is due to gas works which are planned at that location.


Latest works updates

Harriet Street to Cadogan Place North

The drinking fountain located at the junction of Cadogan Place North with Sloane Street has now been connected to the watermain and work to complete the crossing can now proceed. The concrete base has been completed and FM Conway are aiming to re-open that junction by mid-September.

Pont Street to Cadogan Place South

FM Conway are expecting G Networks to be attending site on 10th September. This is to carry out utility works before the public realm works continue.

Cadogan Place South to Sloane Square

The raised entrance to Wilbraham Place is complete and has now been re opened. 

The paving to the front of Holy Trinity Church is now complete and the footpath is due to be completely open by next weekend.

Future works

Throughout September to December 2024, resurfacing works will be taking place overnight on a number of sections of the street. Residents in the section of the street between Knightsbridge and Cadogan Place North have received a letter from Kensington and Chelsea Council, informing them of these works. This letter can also be read here. Addresses within subsequent sections of the resurfacing programme will also be informed in the same manner, in advance of these works commencing.

  • Northern section (Knightsbridge to Cadogan Place North) – 25/09/24 (3 nights).
  • Southern section (Sloane Square to Cadogan Gate) – 03/10/24 (2 nights).
  • Central Section (Cadogan Gate to Cadogan Place North) – 17/12/24 (4 nights).
  • Pont Street (junction only) – 03/11/24 (daytime).

Please note, the dates and times of this work are only indicative and may take longer than expected if the site team encounters any unforeseen difficulties, such as engineering challenges or bad weather.


Works completed up to 20 August 2024

 Out of 8500m2 of paving, approximately 6400m2 has already been laid.

Out of 2800m of kerbs, approximately 2100m has already been laid.

Out of 1300m2 of setts (smaller blocks) approximately 800m2 has already been laid.

Out of 46 planters, 36 have already been installed.

Out of 47 plant pots 34 have already been installed.

Out of 54 tree pits 32 have been constructed.

Figures on completed works will be updated later in September


Ongoing works

Harriet Street to Cadogan Place North

The pedestrian crossing adjacent to the southern junction of Harriet Street remains closed. Work to the front of Gina and Roger Vivier continues. Meanwhile, the loading bay to the front of Pucci and Dolce & Gabbana are now complete. The zebra crossing at Harriet Street is temporarily closed.

Work on the traffic calming ramps continues. The FM Conway site team will now start working on the opposite side of the carriageway adjacent to Hermes. Work on this section of the raised area should be completed by early October. Sloane Street will remain open one way with traffic moving from Knightsbridge to Sloane Square.

Pont Street junction

Works here are progressing well. The kerb line on both the northside and southside of the eastern arm, has now be aligned and paving is underway.

Pont Street to Cadogan Place South

FM Conway continues to undertake public realm works on the eastern footway in this area.

Please note, the dates and times of this work are only indicative and may take longer than expected if the site team encounters any unforeseen difficulties, such as engineering challenges or bad weather.

Join us

At our next residents’ meeting

Thank you to those who attended the Sloane Street Residents Meeting on Tuesday 30th July to receive a project update and discuss the public realm works. Following feedback from residents, we have increased the frequency of these meetings from quarterly to every other month. These dates will be publicised through the newsletter and on our website.

The next meeting will be held on 1st October 2024, 6pm–7pm.

To register for the meeting, please click here.

Should you be unable to join the meeting on Zoom, or if you would prefer a face-to-face meeting, we can arrange this for you. Please email in this case.

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