We will deliver a series of improvements that ensure Sloane Street is the most luxurious shopping boulevard in the world by:

Creating a GREENER STREET with significantly more new trees and shrubs, improving the environmental and sustainability impact

Enhancing the PEDESTRIAN EXPERIENCE along Sloane Street

Making Sloane Street the NUMBER ONE DESTINATION in the world for luxury

Refreshing the fabric of the street with HIGH-QUALITY TRADITIONAL MATERIALS

ENHANCING TRAFFIC FLOWS for vehicles using Sloane Street and discouraging noisy, speeding cars


Creating a GREENER STREET with significantly more new trees and shrubs, improving the environmental and sustainability impact

Enhancing the PEDESTRIAN EXPERIENCE along Sloane Street

Making Sloane Street the NUMBER ONE DESTINATION in the world for luxury

Refreshing the fabric of the street with HIGH-QUALITY TRADITIONAL MATERIALS

ENHANCING TRAFFIC FLOWS for vehicles using Sloane Street and discouraging noisy, speeding cars

Greening the street
The proposals will include extensive new planting to create an elegant green boulevard along the 1km length of Sloane Street.
Planting design is being overseen by multiple Chelsea Flower Show award winner, Andy Sturgeon. Granite planters are being installed in June 2023 with the Andy Sturgeon designed planting scheme to follow in September 2023.
Climate-proof planting
We have been looking to climate-proof the planting using drought-resistant species from Mediterranean climates around the world, such as Grevillea, Salvia and ornamental grasses.
Year-round splendour
The tree planting will be predominantly Amelanchier, which will look beautiful year-round with spring flowers, summer berries, autumn colour and a sculptural branch structure in winter.

Street furniture and materials
The improvements along Sloane Street will be made using the finest materials.
How we are using York stone and Granite in our tiles, flags and setts
Traditional luminaires and columns will light the length of Sloane Street
Traffic, transport and parking
Their key findings were:

Comprehensive traffic modelling confirmed that the proposed changes will not noticeably affect journey times by car or by bus.

Traffic lanes are only removed in the central section – 20 per cent of the road.

All major junctions will remain the same.
Junction between Sloane Street and Knightsbridge
We recognise the concern regarding this busy and complex junction. We have looked at the junctions’ operation and found that the congestion is a result of lower priority being given to Sloane Street traffic compared to the other approaches (e.g., A4 Brompton Road).
It has not been possible to make the junction arrangements more beneficial without affecting the overall efficiency of the junction for all users. However, our assessment shows that narrowing the carriageway at the northern end of Sloane Street will not negatively impact the flow of traffic. After the narrowing the road would still be generously proportioned. This is illustrated in cross sections B and C.
North bound traffic congestion
Our assessments show that north bound traffic will not be obstructed by south bound traffic. By insetting servicing and drop off bays into the pavement (see image A), this will reduce the likelihood that vehicles will obstruct the carriageway. At eight metres wide, the road will still enable vehicles to overtake a bus or other stationary vehicle (see cross section C).
Traffic calming and speeding cars
Parking and servicing
The servicing and parking arrangements for Sloane Street will remain much the same as at present. We are committed to ensuring the enforcement of parking is effectively managed, both officially by the Council’s enforcement officers and through monitoring by Cadogan’s Sloane Street ‘Ambassadors’ who already have a presence on the street.
Access during construction
The road will be open to traffic and access to properties will be maintained throughout the construction period.
Plans of the street
Use the diagram below to view and download more detailed plans of the street*.
Please note the plans of the street may be subject to change.
Brompton Road
Basil Street
Hans Crescent
Cadogan Place
Pont Street
Cadogan Place Gardens
Cadogan Place
Ellis Street
Sloane square