Programme of works 2024

Gas update
Commencing from Monday 8 January, gas pipe replacement works will be taking place on the Lower Sloane Street side of Sloane Square. This process is expected to last between 4 and 6 weeks. Gas supplies will be unaffected during these works and all entrances and exits to buildings will be maintained.
You can see a letter here sent to residents by Cadent Gas, who will be carrying out the works. Should you have any queries about the works, Cadent Gas can be contacted by email at or by phone on 0800 085 4478.
Working areas and temporary resurfacing
Since September, when the first stages of the works began, you would have seen many different contractors undertaking work all along Sloane Street. This scheme was designed to be a joint venture with many project partners working either alongside each other or consecutively, as required.
Writing a programme to include several types of contractors is complex as construction can be unpredictable. Progress is often dictated by weather conditions and previously undetected complications below ground. All the teams involved are making every effort to keep to the programme and deliver the scheme on time for all. This means, that in some cases, areas which had previously had excavation taking place, will be covered temporarily for safety and aesthetic reasons whilst the next contractor, who may have had to start work on another section earlier than expected, is ready to take over.
We acknowledge this can appear to be wasteful and potentially extending the period of disruption in one area, but please be assured it has been carefully considered in the planning stage.
The Works
Our work on Sloane Street are generally split into four strands, represented by four different coloured barriers:

Green barrier
FMC works on public spaces
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- Replacement of footway and kerb materials
- Construction of raised granite entry treatments and junctions
- Groundworks, including installation of new lighting and irrigation infrastructure
- Installation of new tree pits and granite pots, along with planting of new trees and plants
- Installation of new lighting columns
- Installation of new street furniture including cycle stands and drinking fountains

Foliage barrier
Squarepoint works on vaults and cellars
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- Trial holes to establish vault condition.
- Excavation and removal of existing spoil from disused vaults
- Removal of vault roof
- Structural framing to form new supporting walls and base for tree pits/planter locations
- Installation of drainage infrastructure
- Construction of concrete formation of the new tree pits/planters
- Removal of supporting framework and backfill

Orange barrier
Reach Active works on utilities
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- Trial holes to establish location and depth of existing utility infrastructure
- Excavation of existing footway/carriageway space
- Removal of sub-grade to expose utility infrastructure
- Existing utilities slewed to avoid proposed planters and tree pits
- New ducting/cable routes installed to relocate existing utilities and future proof the network
- New cables and pipes installed by utility companies inc. BT/UKPN/Thames Water/Cadent Gas/GNetwork/TfL etc.
- Removal of redundant infrastructure
- Backfill and temporary reinstatement of footway and carriageways

Blue barrier
Cappagh drainage works
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- Jet clean and survey all existing gullies and their connections
- Replace defective gully pots, frames and covers
- Undertake repairs to existing damaged gully connections
- Excavation of the carriageway in preparation for installation of the new rider sewer
- Installation of new carrier pipe and associated inspection chambers
- Construction of deep level shafts and associated headings to connect new sections of rider sewer onto the main sewer
- Installation of catchpits and associated pipe for new
- Backfill and reinstatement of footway and carriageway